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  • Leadership & Integrity Lessons for Pastors:

    Integrity alone won't make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one.

    People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.

  • Global Organization Welcomes New ICC Members in Consecration Ceremony
    Global Organization Welcomes New ICC Members in Consecration Ceremony
    We welcome our I.C.C new members who have just been consecrated into our global organization. A big thank you to our National Jurisdictional bishop, Bishop General George Gogoe, his assistant Bishop Sylvia Naana Tawiah, Accra Jurisdictional Bishop Dr Charles Gogoe, Kumasi Jurisdictional Bishop, Bishop William Asare, Dr. Nelson Asare, Bishop Mary, Bishop Jeremiah Thompsons, etc and all those members who made off time to be at the conference!!!
  • Close-up shot of blue and cream coloured
    Pellentesque placerat eget elit nec euismod. Mauris tempor cursus dolor. Ut dolor elit, ullamcorper quis ornare vel, congue id orci diam.
  • The road story Vietnam
    Pellentesque placerat eget elit nec euismod. Mauris tempor cursus dolor. Ut dolor elit, ullamcorper quis ornare vel, congue id orci diam.